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ADAC E-Scooter

Out shooting E-Scooters for the ADAC Motorwelt Cover. Can’t believe there’s this former Eastern German “Schwalbe”, which i’m riding in the original 1984-version, as an E-Scooter now! Pretty damn cool! 😎 

By The Lake

There’s these beautiful two two lakes just a 20 minute drive away from where i live, and they keep calling me every now and then! ☺️ Here’s what they looked like during that beautiful winter we had this year!

Click here for a little article about it. 😀

Shred Kids!

Up there on Germany’s highest peak ‘Zugspitze” with the so-called Shred Kids! They’re a bunch of 6-10 year old kids, including my son, meeting up every Friday throughout the season to go ‘shredding’ together. So much fun shooting with those next generation Snowboarders!