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starring Oberförster Opitz und die Niederbayrischen Buam 😎
Another little GoPro edit of a fantastic but exhausting day up there in the Bavarian Alps.

ANDREAS’  - Artist under the mountain.

Just finished this new little personal project, shot with the artist and former neighbor Andreas Mack where we used to live, in ‘Untermberg’, a place in Bavaria, literally called ‘under the mountain’!

Sit back, relax and…
ENJOY!  😎 Hope you like it!​​​​​​​

Daddy, you shrunk my Splitboard!

What Amplid says about it: 

 ‘When our friend and photographer Rasmus Kaessmann called in the other day, desperately begging for a 135 cm short splitboard for his son Taavi, Peter Bauer intervened: „Hey buddy, I will send you something - including instructions. Please film it with your phone.“ Deal! 

Check Taavi’s stoke 😍 – priceless! We can‘t stop watching this little vid.
🙏🏼 Thanks for sharing the love!!!’

PARTICLES’ - raw acoustic recording

Here‘s a little video of my friend DON LEAFS recording the song to our music video ‘PARTICLES’. Hope you like this raw and acoustic version of this beautiful song as much as i do! 

Enjoy! 😎 

And if you haven’t seen the original music video yet, watch it here!

Music by DON LEAFS 

Director of Photography: RASMUS KAESSMANN 

Recording: PETER RIEGEL / mars13 studios 


Support: Coo.Productions 

DON LEAFS on Youtube: 

DON LEAFS on Instagram:

Still on difficult roads…but…THEY WILL…be leading to beautiful destinations!

Christmas…and we’re in the lockdown again. What a crazy year!!! 🙈 Couldn’t have found a more suiting, more positive and more motivating quote, both for this year and those images here:


I mean it and i still believe in it! ✊

‘One day we will be able to hug each other again and pop round for a cup of tea. We will look back with grief and pain but also what brought us back together and reminded us what really matters. One day we will be free, but different, kinder and better.’ - charlie mackesy

Stay safe, stay healthy everyone! 🤗